Sonntag, 20. März 2016


Hey guys here are some pictures about some cool stuff I did here in Columbus!

On a wekend we did a charity thing where we staid at a house and did cupcakes through the whole night until 6 am. Later in the morning we  sold them to some old people

One day I went out with some friends to go ice skating. It was a lot of fun as some of us couldn't ice skate at all!

A 100 days left selfie 

First time I went to lifting (Muskeltraining) in my life!

I have practise for Track(running) every day from 3 to 5 and every monday wendnesday and friday I have lifting(muskeltraining) after practise for an hour!

I could't do sport in the second week because I hurt a muscle.

We had the super ball. It's a very important football game where the two best teams of the nation played against eachother. The Panthers played against the Broncos. Sadly (for me) the Broncos won.

Young life game

Eating ice cram after campaigners each wednesday

At my first swimming competition of my school

Later we went to a great Milshake place

, where I ate my first Bacon Lettuce Tomato sandwich

Me "loving" the dog

going out for valentine's day

I went to Campaigners Weekend which was practically like fall weekend just a bit more religious and we all had a lot of fun. Here's an arrival picure with my roommates

We had our first session
We had a curfew at 12am so we all took the cars and went out for breakfast at 2am 

Grace braided my hair :)

the next day we had club and after that some free time. We had amazing weather so we went to the parc and palyed some games with some kids from other schools.

We went to the pet store. Isn't he cute?!

On our way back from campaigners weekend :(

Tommy Katie and I went to the Ohio state stadium and played soccer.

I went with some kids to the "ICE Haus" to play broomall. Broomball is like hockey but with Tennis shoes. We had a lot of fun and I scored our first and only goal!

Tommy Katie and I drove to the Ohio state stadium and watched a basketball game between Ohio and Idaho. We won although we actually are quite bad in comparison to Idaho.

Some girls from YL and i tried to go to the basketball game from our school but the tickets were all sold out and the police send uss back! So we went to a Milshake place

I joined the track and Field Team (running) and this was our first meeting

We went with a spanish exchange student to two ice hocey games

At Young Life
I was chosen for game where i hit a girl in the face with a dead fish
It was disgusting to touch the old fish but it was better than get in on my face!
If you have time just watch the Young Life video on Instagram. I'm on the right in the green shorts.
 The instagram site is called UAYL

Im flying to Florida tomorrow for a week it will be awesome and a friend from YL comes too!
 Big kisses from Ohio

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey, ich bin grad auf deinen Blog gestoßen und ich muss sagen ich finds einfach so richtig cool zu sehen wie andere in und um Columbus ihr HSY verbringen :)
    ich war selbst vor ein paar Jahren ein Austauschschüler, aber ich war direkt in Columbus. Ich übrigens schon mal bei deiner Schule bei dem Schwimmwettkampf ;)
    Hoff du hast ne schöne Zeit und genieß es :)
