Freitag, 6. Mai 2016

Florida and Ohio

Hey everyone
I spent my spring break with my hostsiblings Tommy and Katie, my hostmum and grace.

This is at the airport. We didn't have any seats so we had to wait on the ground for our flight.

In the plane. I was supposed to sit next to Grace and Katie but my lovely brother didn't want to sit alone so he took my seat. I had to sit all alone next to a strange old man who slept on my shoulder...

The view of the plane!

We spent our week at the grandparent's house and they had a pool!

On our way to the beach

Sadly on two days it was a bit rainy but we still did a lot of cool stuff like golfing or shopping.

  We had good weather most of the time with around 30 grad celcius/ 88 grad fahrenheit

We found a coconut at the beach. It took us around an hour to open it but it was delicious!

On our way to the beach again

I visited my godmother for her birthday in Miami for lunch

This is at dinner

Birthday cake!

On our way to the beach again

We had to wait for our lunch for over 3 hours!

At the beach

Back in Ohio

At the play "The Sleeping Beauty"

The former exchange student from my hostfamily came to visit us with her two older brothers

Friday night Milshake's

At a track meet. I still couldn't run because of my legs but I cheered at them with some girls and boys who couldn't run either

A typical school day


 I will upload some more posts soon because I didn't have time before.
The next one's will be about my trip to seattle, the Justin Bieber concert and Prom
Big Kisses from Ohio

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