Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Seattle part two

Hey everyone this is the second part of my trip to Seattle

Day five

playing with the bird

We drove to the bridge

I'm not tall enough :(

After our trip to the bridge, Harrison and I drove to the zoo

This is a monkey laying around

An elephant

A seal

A polar bear 

Day six

Barb, Harrison, Kily a good frined of Barbara and I drove to Seattle again

This is the famous Space needle

We went to the restaurant in the Space Needle. It turns around itself in one hour and you can see all over Seattle. We taped a paper on the window at the begining with Hello's from Washington, Germany, France and Ohio and some people responded when we got the paper back after one hour.

I had a truffle risotto with seaweed! It was delicious <3

Isn't that an amazing view??

I'm trying dresses on for prom... They looked awful

The Fremont Troll

Day seven

 I spent the last day together with the family. The kids were adorable!
Here is a picture of me trying to kiss the little one

He slept on my lap for over an hour!

day eight
My flight was at 10 am and I had a long stop in Dallas but I had a lot of homework to do because I missed one week of school.

Thank you for reading my blog! My next post will be about the Justin Bieber Concert ;)
Big kisses from Ohio

Seattle part one

Hey everyone I spent a week in Seattle from April 16 to 23 and lived at the house of my mum's hostsister and her son Harrison

Day one 

My flight was at 8 am and I had to change in Dallas

My arrival at Seattle

We are visiting the city 

Day two 
We drove over to seattle on a ferry with grandma

it was very windy!

The gum wall

The market

A map where you can pin the country from where you are coming from

Lunch (I ate here exactly three years ago when I visited Barb)

This is the first original starbucks

At dinner

Day three

Harrison and I drove to the beach

We had great weatherr

but the water was very cold. It took me over half an hour just to get in!

We visited the grandparents in the afternoon

We had delicious ribs 

and I had my first rhubarb pie 

I'm in love with this food <3

Day four

Harrison and I made cookies!
They tasted great except the fact that they were a bit too salty because I mixed up the tablespoon and the teaspoon!

Thank you for reading my blog. The second part of my trip will be posted soon!
Big kissses from Ohio
Charlotte <3